My journey documented: your journey too. 
Exercise is the last thing on my mind when I have had a long day at the childcare coupled with school and taking care of my family? If your anything like me, I take a little "me" time which means getting comfy on the chocolate brown sectional in the living room and snuggling in the corner of the couch with my blanket and some wine to watch television which in turns watches me.
False mental promises to myself that I will rise at 5AM in the morning and workout to Billy Blanks Taebo DVD becomes mundane. Turret like exercise days from a revelation that "I need" to workout because I need to work out comes out in spurts of days and weeks and then I STOP. This insanity is making me insane and vulnerable to accept my body the way it is, but I know different.
Uniting for a Healthy Lifestyle change! 
10 Suggestions to get you From Couch to Confidence
- Write a list out of your unhealthy habits- number them from least to greatest and schedule one or two to tackle each week. (Two can be challenging if you chose a habit that is strong.)
- Toilet Squats- after you use the restroom close the cover and squat 10 times or squat while you are cooking or washing dishes. You are bound to knockout 75-100 squats a day.
- Choose a eating plan- Think about works for you. (Eg. Weight Watchers,, Jenny Craig, Atkins or your make up your own eating plan etc.)
- Eliminate sugar-sugar sabotages your weight loss efforts.(This one will be the hardest one for me.)
- Get creative with your exercise-Walking is always a safe and practical choice but don't be shy about taking pole dancing classes. As a plus size girl I signed up for classes at Twirly Girls in Pleasanton CA and modified my moves. I liked it so much I bought a pole to practice at home.
- Get the extra burn-Walk the stairs instead of the elevator or find a hill to boost your metabolism. Take it slow and do your best. The weight wasn't put on overnight.
- Stay accountable-Post your journey on my Facebook page at and sign up on It's Free and I am a member. Request to be my friend,we are in this together.
- Water Challenge-Flush your body with water for 28 days! Leave all liquid calories behind. Many people drink over 1000 calories a day in fluids.(Even smoothies or shakes) Just water.
- Walk away the pounds-Park in the back of the shopping malls and grocery stores. You will be amazed how soon you forget about the distance which will benefit your heart.
- DON'T GIVE UP!-Take your time and keep trying. I believe the act of trying shifts everything. Doing something different will end up with a result. The choice is ours if we want a positive or negative outcome.
A few suggestions to kick start your lifestyle change; choose one to two per week and add one at minimum each week.
Couch to Confidence will be a weekly open book blog. I will journal my road of success and obstaclesto a healthy lifestyle change. I will share eating plans and fitness programs. I welcome you to join our Facebook page at and become a part of the campaign for change.
The Big Girl Way!
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